picture of Jeanne Lee Pearce

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Jeanne Lee-Pearce Named Associate of the Year by AAA

November 15th, 2018

Jeanne Lee-Pearce, Senior Account Executive with 二四六天天好彩资料, was named Associate of the Year by the Atlanta Apartment Association (AAA).

Joy Favara, Events Coordinator for the organization, described the honor: 鈥淭he Associate of the Year is chosen based on who bests supports AAA and the apartment industry as a whole, someone who makes sure his or her company is a very involved member of AAA.鈥

At the awards ceremony, Jeanne was introduced as a 鈥渓ong-time supporter of the Atlanta Apartment Association and is a great advocate for our organization and industry. Her smile lights up the room, and she makes every new member feel welcomed instantly.鈥

Jeanne says, 鈥淚 am very proud to be a part of the Atlanta Apartment Association for 28 years and extremely honored to receive this award.鈥